Who can apply?
- The applicant must be aged 38 years or less.
- The applicant must be the first author of the presented work.
- The applicant must be a junior or ordinary member of EANM.
- At least one of the authors of the paper must attend the congress.
The Award:
- Lump-sum subsidy of € 1,000,00 for the first author.
- Free registration for the EANM’25.
There are up to 3 grants per Annual Congress.
Application and Procedure:
The applicant must indicate during the abstract submission process (by ticking the relevant box) that he/she would like to apply for this award. Once the applicant is shortlisted, the presenting author will be requested to scan and e-mail a copy of the passport or birth certificate as proof of age.
The deadline for the application will be the same as submitting abstracts for the EANM Annual Congress.
Selection Procedure:
Once the submission of abstracts is closed, the review process will start. After the review process, the approx. 15 best-rated papers that applied for the ‘EANM Young Authors’ Award’ are shortlisted. Those abstracts will be sent (anonymised) to the EANM Scientific Programme Committee. The three best-rated papers will be awarded the ‘EANM Young Authors’ Award’.